美国磁通MAGNAFLUX公司ZL-37后乳化型荧光渗透剂4级灵敏度可用于灵敏度要求比较高的渗透检测应用,并且经过调配,因不含乳化剂,因此有效避免在缺陷处出现过洗现象。它们要求与油性或水性乳化剂一同使用,以使其具有水洗性,并由于闪点高,能完全满足OSHA对Class III B 类液体的要求,因而可在开口的槽内使用。美国磁通MAGNAFLUX公司ZL-37后乳化型荧光渗透剂4级灵敏度适用于:精密部件、高应力部件、平滑的,精加工表面、非多孔性表面、熔模铸造、涡轮叶片和部件、关键部件。
产品详情美国磁通MAGNAFLUX公司ZL-37后乳化型荧光渗透剂4级灵敏度 Essential for critical component applications, ultra-high sensitivity (Level 4) ZL-37 fluorescent post-emulsifiable penetrant is designed for detecting fine, tight discontinuities. Parts common for this testing procedure include titanium turbine components, and high-stress critical components such as investment castings. With a UV-A light source, indications will appear as a bright green-yellow fluorescence. ZL-37 has a high flash point, and is designed to be used in open dip tanks. Both Method B lipophilic emulsifier ZE-4E and Method D hydrophilic emulsifier ZR-10E can be used to remove surface ZL-37 penetrant. Developers can be ZP-4B dry powder developer, ZP-14A water soluble developer in a non-agitated tank, ZP-5B water suspendible developer in an agitated tank, or ZP-9F non-aqueous developer. ZL-37 is listed on the QPL SAE AMS 2644 Qualified Product List and is approved for use by Pratt & Whitney. ZL-37后乳化型荧光渗透液可用于灵敏度要求比较高的渗透检测应用,并且经过调配,因不含乳化剂,因此有效避免在缺陷处出现过洗现象。它们要求与油性或水性乳化剂一同使用,以使其具有水洗性,并由于闪点高,能完全满足OSHA对Class III B 类液体的要求,因而可在开口的槽内使用。 ZL-37已被列入AMS 2644合格产品目录,并获得普惠准入资格。