YML-100,150 YMF-100,150
用途 USE
Applicable to lpressure measurements for liquid mediums at high temper
产品详情YML-100,150 YMF-100,150 隔膜压力表 DIAPHRAGM PRESSURE GAUGE 用途 USE 隔膜压力表用于化工等部门生产过程中测量具有腐蚀性、高粘度、易结晶、含有固体状颗粒、温度较高的液体介质的压力。 Applicable to lpressure measurements for liquid mediums at high temperature,such as corrosive ,high viscous ,crystallizable and solid-particles containing fluids commonly used in petrochemical indusery,etc. 安装与使用 1. 仪表在安装前应检查仪表示值是否在零位。 2. 仪表的膜片隔离器与压力表不得拆卸或更换别种压力表,以免内部填充的工作液外泄,而影响使用性能。 3. 用户应按被测介质的性质来选择合适的接口型式,膜片材料和垫片材料。用于有较强机械震动和介质压力脉冲的场合,要求配用耐震型压力表。 4. 为适应某些特殊介质的耐蚀性,应在与被 介质接触处加装保护膜。 5. 仪表上的压力表安装位置和注意事项均与普通压力表相同。
1. Check if the indicating value is lf nzero-position on the gauge dial before fitting . 2. Don’t dismantle the diaphragm separator from gauge arbitrarily or replace with other gauges to avoid any leakage of working liquid and frrther to avoid any adverse effect on gauge’s operational performance. 3. Select appropriately the joint or connection mode according to the propery of the medium to be measured,as well as materials for diaphragm and gaslet to be chosen.Damping-type gauge will be required in case there is a strong shock or impuklsive pressure of medium. 4. When some mediums with very strong corrosivity are measured,a protective film should be used at the contact point of the medisdum to be measured. 5. The postion for fitting-up this kind of gauge and what to be dine with care are the same as verdsatile gdauges. 商铺其他产品