公司名称:深圳市奥德赛创精密仪器有限公司 所在地:广东深圳 发布时间:2022-09-20 联系人:肖经理 联系电话:0755-23219515 深圳市奥德赛创精密仪器有限公司 产品详情 批发日本NMB美培亚Z961 / Z964变送器 Zener barrier Z961 / Z964 Safety barrier for load cell to be used for intrinsic safety explosion proof weighing system. Meets the intrinsic safety explosion proof requirement of Technology Institution of Industrial safety in Japan. 批发日本NMB美培亚Z961 / Z964变送器 Parts No. Z961 Z964 Rated voltage DC/AC6.5 V DC/AC10.0 V Leakage currect 10 μA 10 μA Zener rated voltage 8.1 V 11.7 V Internal rated fuse 100 mA 50 mA Max. voltage of circuit 17.4 V 24.8 V Max. current of circuit 178 mA 25.3 mA Min. resistance value for limited current 98 Ω 980 Ω Operatinal temp. humidity range -20 ℃ ~ 50 ℃, 90 %RH or less (Non condensing) -20 ℃ ~ 50 ℃, 90 %RH or less (Non condensing) Permissible temp. humidity range -40 ℃ ~ 80 ℃, 95 %RH or less (Non condensing) -40 ℃ ~ 80 ℃, 95 %RH or less (Non condensing) Weight Approx. 142 g Approx. 142 g 批发日本NMB美培亚Z961 / Z964变送器 商铺其他产品 联系商家 立即询价 发布询价单 询价产品:日本NMB美培亚变送器 Z961 / Z964 询价数量: /个 联系人: 联系电话:
批发日本NMB美培亚Z961 / Z964变送器 Zener barrier Z961 / Z964 Safety barrier for load cell to be used for intrinsic safety explosion proof weighing system. Meets the intrinsic safety explosion proof requirement of Technology Institution of Industrial safety in Japan. 批发日本NMB美培亚Z961 / Z964变送器 Parts No. Z961 Z964 Rated voltage DC/AC6.5 V DC/AC10.0 V Leakage currect 10 μA 10 μA Zener rated voltage 8.1 V 11.7 V Internal rated fuse 100 mA 50 mA Max. voltage of circuit 17.4 V 24.8 V Max. current of circuit 178 mA 25.3 mA Min. resistance value for limited current 98 Ω 980 Ω Operatinal temp. humidity range -20 ℃ ~ 50 ℃, 90 %RH or less (Non condensing) -20 ℃ ~ 50 ℃, 90 %RH or less (Non condensing) Permissible temp. humidity range -40 ℃ ~ 80 ℃, 95 %RH or less (Non condensing) -40 ℃ ~ 80 ℃, 95 %RH or less (Non condensing) Weight Approx. 142 g Approx. 142 g 批发日本NMB美培亚Z961 / Z964变送器