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Canneed “AXL-4000罐身轴向承压力测试仪Axial Load Tester”用于检测罐轴向耐压力。待检测罐体被置于检测台上并逐渐向上加压至受压顶板上。提升速度及顶板与底盘间距可通过更换垫盘进行调整。超过罐体承压极限,罐体即发生变形,显示屏上即出现承压力最大值。
1) “AXL-4000罐身轴向承压力测试仪”是制罐行业的标准仪器。
2) 独特的设计,异常平行的压盘,保证测量时样品罐受到真正的轴向压力。
3) 自动显示和记录样品被压溃时轴向受力的最大值。
4) 采用了PLC触摸屏显示控制
5) 稳定的压缩速度,由微电脑控制系统自动采集数据
6) 样品测量完成时,上下压板之间的距离自动回复初始状态,方便取放样品。
7) 多个样品测量完成时,可查阅单个测量结果,自动计算平均值、最大值、最小值。
8) 满足不同高度尺寸的样品。
9) 过载保护
测量范围:3000 N
最大样罐高度: 160mm(可订做加高)
电源:240VAC 50-60Hz
尺寸:500 x 400 x 600 mm (W x D x H)
重量:50 kg
The “canneedAXL-4000 Axial Load Tester ” measures the axial force resistance ofbeverage cans in Newton. The can is placed in a support andgradually forced upwards against the pressure plate. The spacebetween the support and the top plate can be altered with spacers.The can crashes after the peak force has been applied that the canis capable of resisting. The maximum value can now be read in thedisplay.
*Industry Standard
*Exceptionally ParallelPlatens
*Durable Load Cell Design
*PLC Controlled
*LCD touch-screen Display
*Rs-232 CommunicationsCapability
*Mechanical OverloadProtection
*Display the max. and min.measuring value and average after several test.
Technical data (changesreserved):
Measure range: 3000 N
Resolution: 1 N
Rear Panel: RS232 serial output
Power supply: 115 V / 230 V, 50-60Hz
Max. can diameter: 80 mm
Max. can height: 160 mm
Dimensions: 500 x 400 x 600 mm (W x D x H )
Weight: 50 kg