Canneed ”CVG-100和CVG-200罐头真空度测定仪Canners Vacuum Gauge”用于测量罐头真空度。
测量范围:-0.1--0 Mpa(相当于 -15--0 Psi, -76--0 cmHg)
分度值:0.005 Mpa
准确度:+/-2.5%(即 +/-0.0025 Mpa)
the Canneed “CVG-100 and CVG-200 Canner’s VacuumGauge”, Used to measure the vacuum pressure of seamedcans. The gauge is placed on top of the can and the piercingneedle is forced through the top of the can. The rubber collarforms a temporary seal to allow for measurement.
CVG-100 is designed for using near the productline, Consists of a 0 to 76cm Hg vacuum gauge, pierce point, andrubber collar. Also available with dual scale to measurepressure to 15 psi.
CVG-200 is designed for using inlab, Consists of a holder, a 0 to 76cm Hg vacuum gauge, piercepoint, and rubber collar. Also available with dual scale tomeasure pressure to 15 psi.
Technical data (Changesreserved):
Vacuumrange : 0-0.1 Mpa; (0-15 Psi; 0-76cmHg)
Resolution: 0.005 Mpa
Accuracy: +/-2.5%