Harvard Apparatus的注射泵以其品种多、精度高和出色的可靠性而享誉世界。Harvard注射泵的型号及附件众多,不能一一罗列。若要进一步了解相关产品信息,请与上海达域仪器有限公司联系。
The Harvard 33 Dual Syringe Pump offers continuous infusionorwithdrawal, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with the accuracyandlow flow of a Harvard syringe pump.
TheHarvard 33 Dual Syringe Pump is a breakthroughin pumpingtechnology. The 33 has two independent pumping channelslinkedthrough hardware and software. When combined with a valvebox, itprovides the continuous delivery of a peristaltic or pistonpumpwith the accuracy, absence of pulsation and low flow rates ofasyringe pump.
TheHarvard 33 Dual Syringe Pump opens up whole newpumpingpossibilities. These are some of the applications ofthispump:
• The injection of dyes, perfumes and flavoring in industrial applications
• Applications with liquids or viscous materials in micromanufacturing
• Continuous injections of reactants into reactor vessels
• Simultaneous samplings from two sites
• Continuous injection for long term toxicology testing
Several modes of operation are availabletoaccommodate a range of setups and experimental protocols. Auniquemovable limit switch mechanism is used to change direction orstopoperation of the pump depending on the modeofoperation.
Reciprocal/Parallel Mode - Syringe mechanismscanrun in the same or opposite directions (i.e.bothinfusing/withdrawing at the same time or one infusing and theotherwithdrawing)
Proportional Mode - Different flow ratesandsyringe diameters can be set for eachsyringemechanism
AutoStop Mode - Pump stops operation when alimitswitch is activated.
Continuous Run Mode - When a limit switchisactivated each syringe mechanism reverses direction.
Thepump has high pressure capability and TTL andRS-232 interface fordata acquisition and control.
Thecommunication ports enable daisy-chaining of upto 100pumps.
技术参数 |
类型 | 带微处理器的双驱动单注射器注射/抽吸型 |
稳定精度 | ± 0.35% |
复现精度 | ± 0.1% |
注射器尺寸: | |
最小 | 0.5μl |
最大 | 140ml |
流速: | |
最小 | 0.0004μl / hr |
最大 | 106.6ml/ min |
非易失性存储器 | 存储所有设置 |
RS – 232 | RJ11-4插头 |
TTL | 9- 针插头 |
平均直线推力 | 57lbs |
驱动电机 | 两个电机,每个为0.9˚ 步角步进电机 |
电机驱动控制 | 从1/2到1/4微步步进可以进行微处理器控制 |
导向螺杆每转一圈电机前机步数 | 在1/2步进时1600或者在1/4步进时3200 |
步速: | |
最小 | 27.3秒/步 |
最大 | 416.7微秒/步 |
推进器移动速度: | |
最小 | 0.726699 μm / min |
最大 | 95.25mm/ min |
功率 | 45W,1.0A保险丝 |
电压范围 | 95到130V交流,60Hz,220到260V交流,50Hz, 可选 |
尺寸, 高x 宽x 长 | 15.2x31.1 x 28.6 cm (6 x 12.5 x 11.25 in) |
重量 | 6.8kg(15 lb) |