GPRS网络型电压监测仪 DTXG-100
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GPRS型电压监测仪 产品型号:DTG-100/220/380V 主要特点 1、 本产品设计制造依据电力行业标准:《电压监测仪订货技术要求》(DL 500-92)。 2、 取得国家质量技术监督局颁发的《计量器具生产许可证》(证号:苏制11000024) 3、 一只监测仪可通用于高压电网PT二次100V和低压电网220V/380V,使采购工作简单化。本仪表同时具有监测电网谐波电压的功能

一、 主要用途
二、 适用场合
1、 3kV及以上供电系统电压互感器二次回路,额定值100V。
2、 380V三相供电系统。
3、 220V单相供电系统。
三、 功能特点
1、 监测供电系统电压质量。
2、 监测电网谐波电压分量。
3、 对供电电压、谐波分量进行整点和分时段统计
四、 保护措施
1、 过压、过流保护和雷击防护
2、 失电保护,72小时内数据不丢失。
五、 监测数据
1、 电压质量数据包括:
l 运行总时间、合格时间、合格率
l 超上限时间、超上限率、超下限时间、超下限率
l 最大电压值、最小电压值及其出现的时间
2、 谐波监测数据包括:
l 总谐波电压含量及畸变率、基波电压分量、2-31次谐波电压分量及含有率
l 总谐波电压畸变合格时及合格率,畸变最大值及其出现的时间。
3、 分时段统计
l  对电压质量和谐波分量可以分时段统计与考核。
l  可根据需要将24小时分为1-8个时段。
六、 测量精度
1、 电压测量:0.5级
2、 时钟误差:每天≤±1s,每年≤±5min.
3、 最大功耗:<3VA
4、 电网谐波测量精度:B级.
七、 数据采集与管理
1、 具有RS232、RS485通讯端口,可用PC机、掌上电脑现场采集,或通过载波、负控等进行数据传输。
2、 仪表内置MODEM。可通过电话实现定时召唤和实时召唤,具有主叫和被叫功能,响应预置参数的修改。
3、 仪表内置GPRS通讯模块,上位机可以通过ADSL+动态IP地址+短消息简便采集或修改仪表数据,也可以通过ADSL+动态域名解析方式采集或修改仪表数据。
4、 仪表配置IC卡通讯插口,可用IC卡现场采集。
5、 上位机基于WINOWS操作平台,各种采集的数据都能自动生成各种报表、曲线、棒图。
6、 报表可根据需要转换为Word或Excel 格式打印。
7、 各种报表、曲线和棒图均可通过Email对外发送
DTX Series Voltage Harmonic Monitoring Apparatus
Ⅰ.Main Usage
It can be used to monitor the voltage quality, the harmonic voltage component and the time of power loss of feed system on line; and related working data can be provided to responsible members of voltage quality management.
Ⅱ.Suitable Occasions
1. Secondary circuit of voltage transformer of feed system, which is 3kV or above; and nominal rating is 100V.
2. Three-phase feed system of 380V.
3. Single-phase feed system of 220V.
Ⅲ. Function Features
1. Monitor voltage quality of feed system
2. Monitor voltage component of the electrified wire netting harmonic
3. Statistic voltage and harmonic component of feed system at hours and at different time periods
Ⅳ. Protection Measures
1. Over-voltage & over-current protection and lighting-stroke protection.
2. No-power protection, data will not lose within 2 months.
Ⅴ. Monitoring Data
1. Voltage quality data includes:
Total time of working, time of pass and percent of pass.
Ultra maximum time, ultra maximum rating; ultra minimum time and ultra minimum rating.
Maximum and minimum number of voltage and the time they appear.
2. Harmonic monitoring data includes:
Total harmonic voltage content and distortion rating. Fundamental wave voltage component, 2-31 subharmonic voltage component and contained rate.
The time of pass and the percent of pass of total harmonic voltage distortion, maximum of distortion and the time it appears.
3.  Statistic at different time periods
Statistic and test on voltage quality and harmonic component at different time periods.
Divide 24 hours into 1-8 time periods.
Ⅵ. Accuracy of Measurement
1. Voltage measurement: 0.5 level.
2. Clock error: everyday ≤ ±1s;  every year ≤±5min.
3. Maximum power loss ﹤3VA
4.  Accuracy of the electrified wire netting harmonic measurement: B level.
Ⅶ. Collection & Management of Data
1. With RS232, RS485 communication ports. Can be used to in-situ collect with PC computer and Palmtop computer, or used to send data by carrier and negative control.
2. Built-in MODEM, can be used to practice preset-time call and real-time call through telephone net, with functions of calling and being called, and can be adjusted to the change of preset parameters.
3. With IC card connection port, can use IC card to in-situ collect.
4. Up-machine based on Windows operation system, so various data collected can be changed into all kinds of report, curve and bar chart.
5. Reports can be transformed to Word or Excel style to be printed out.
6. All kinds of report, curve and bar chart can be sent out by Email.

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