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2012/9/13 20:06:44
AV-9000 Manual Prefix
MANUAL ORGANIZATION This manual is organized in twelve major sections: Section 1 Introduction and General Information Section 2 Installation and Wiring Section 3 The Basics of Recorder Operation Section 4 Configuration Section 5 Display Programming Section 6 Chart Prompts Section 7 Alarm Settings Section 8 Action Time Settings Section 9 Enables & Passwords Section 10 Test Section 11 Calibration Section 12 Appendix 记录纸、记录笔章节 Section 13 Controllers Section 14 Profilers All users should be familiar with the first three sections of this manual before beginning to operate the recorder. Operators are then advised to cover the Display Programming, Chart Prompts and Alarm Setting sections.
Configurators should be familiar with all information, particularly the details in the Configuration Programming
Please have your recorder model number AND serial number available before calling for technical and application
support. Support is available from:

Section 1 - Introduction and General Information
This instrument is a microprocessor based circular chart recorder capable of measuring, displaying, and recording
from a variety of inputs. Applications include temperature, level, pressure, flow, and others. The instrument can
be specified as either a one, two, three, or four pen model.
The standard process sensor inputs (up to 8 total inputs) are user configurable to directly connect to and convert
thermocouple, RTD, millivolt, volt, milliamp or contact closure inputs. Thermocouple and RTD linearization, as
well as thermocouple cold junction compensation, are performed automatically. Up to four individually isolated 24
VDC regulated transmitter power supplies are available for transmitter inputs, each providing up to 25 mADC.
Using the optional math capability, mass flow, BTUs, relative humidity, and other derived variables can be calcu-lated, as well as simple math functions performed and custom curve conversions. Optional totalization is avail-able for input values or derived variables. Any recorder value can be treated as a process value, to provide 工业仪器记录纸、色带、记录笔
alarming and special display capability.
Up to 4 variables can be recorded as analog trend lines on chart sizes of 10, 11, or 12 inches in diameter. The
trend lines can be the result of instantaneous values, connecting the values, drag pen, average values, or con-necting the average values. The trend lines can be scaled and positioned on the chart in zones. Trend scales,
units, and a trend tag can be printed in the same color as time lines.
Dates, times, batch numbers, operator IDs, process values, scales and alarm messages can all be printed on the
chart in color.
Definitions for a large number of "Terms and Concepts" described in this manual are included in Appendix C

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