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2012/10/23 10:03:15

Operating limits and condensed specifications We recommend that you review and adhere to the operating limits listed when you install your recorder. Operating Limits and Condensed Specifications

Condition Specifications Ambient Temperature 32 °F to 131 °F (0 °C to 55 °C) Relative Humidity 5 % to 90 % RH at 40 °C (104 °F)

Vibration Frequency 0 to 200 Hz Acceleration 0.2 g
 Mechanical Shock    
  Acceleration        5 g
 Duration             30 ms
 Power                102 Vac to 132 Vac  50/60 Hz
                      204 Vac to 264 Vac  50/60 Hz

Power Consumption     20 VA maximum

Digital Indication
Accuracy              1 digit

Minimum Input Span    Range is fully configurable with span li mitation of the operating range selected.

Input Impedance       4-20 mA dc: 250 ohms
                      0-10 Vdc: 200K ohms
                      All others: 10 Megohms

Source Impedance      RTD: 100 ohms per lead maximum ( 仪表记录纸、仪表记录笔、色带 )

Sampling Rate         Each input sampled 3 times a second (1 or 2 inputs); 3 times in 2 seconds (3 or 4

Input Filter          Software: Single pole low pass section with selectable time constants (off to 120

Digital Displays      Vacuum fluorescent, alphanumeric.
                      A six-digit display dedicated to the process variable.
                      Alternate information displayed during configuration mode.
                      An eight-digit display shows key selected operating parameters. Also provides
                      guidance during configuration.

Indicators            Channel PV display (CHN 1, 2, 3, or 4)
                      Alarm status (ALM 1, 2)
                      Controller Output (OUT 1, 2)
                      Remote Setpoint (RSP) ( 仪表记录纸、仪表记录笔、色带 )
                      Temperature unit (F or C) or Engineering Units
                      Controller’s mode (A or MAN)

Deviation Bargraph    21 segment, color coded deviation bargraph:
                            Green (large) = On Control
                            Green (small) = Deviation to ± 10 % of PV

Controller Modes of   Manual Operation
Operation             Automatic with local setpoint
                      Automatic with remote setpoint

Transmitter Supply    22 Vdc to 26 Vdc at input terminals (50 mA dc at 24 Vdc)


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