Chart Configurable items Figure Chart shows the order in which configurable items appear in what is called 'the top level configuration menu'. The figure shows the 'up arrow' order. Use of the down arrow reverses the order. Use of the Enter key takes the user down to the next level of menu - the Cancel key takes the user back up one menu level each time it is used.
8888 1 P010 FAn PArc SPd ZEro SPAn rng Unit Adj Inst Set time and date. select DDMMYY or MMDDYY(更多 仪表记录笔,仪表色带,仪表打印针 ) CLoC CnFg Enter Password (if access level 1) P010 CnFg Enter Password (if access level 2) P010 Access level = 0 or 2 Access level = 1 Access level = 0 or 1 Access level = 2 Continuous trace Multipoint Access level = 1 or 2 Access level = 0 Continuous-trace recorders require annotator ALn.n Scroll up Scroll down Enter (select field/ confirm edit) Cancel (cancel changes / leave field) Cur sor ( selec t next digi t/charac ter) KEYS Background Display Set chart speed (Scroll list) Align pen with chart 0% Align pen with chart 100% Include units in PV display (PV and units alternate on display) Adjust input Edit password; Select common relay on/off; Enter instrument descriptor; Select cassette type; Set alarm hysteresis; enable/disable alarm messages; Select operator access level Set input type, range, linearisation function, units, CJ type, Shunt value, break response and channel descriptor